Voici de belles paroles et mots sympathiques de musiciens venus jouer au Blues Rules Crissier Festival, en voici une sélection, alors que d’autres ont préféré nous faire des chansons !
Blues Rules has been both a fan AND supporter of the NMSHCP and does a great service to the mission by keeping Hill Country Blues heard live at Blues Rules. We are inspired by this grass roots festivals commitment to educating the world about roots music.
Si la Suisse, cette Suisse, est très réceptive au blues, c’est aussi le mérite à de grands programmateurs qui le mettent en avant. Vince est un gars génial pour cela. Il a toujours fait du Blues Rules un spot pour le blues du Mississippi (Hill Country Blues, Delta Blues et tout autre blues présent dans nos régions). C’est définitivement quelque chose que nous ne pouvons qu’apprécier: cette passion qui lui permet et nous permet de garder notre blues en vie.
I am playing at Blues Rules in Switzerland and they have brought over, from America some amazing black blues and gospel artist from the South. U seldom see any of these amazing blues artist in America. They are not famous or well known, but they are the real-deal.
The Blue Rules was a great experience and I enjoyed every moment. They are huge supporters and fans of the Rising Stars Fife & Drum.
I really appreciate their support and I would love to come back again and again to perform.
The Blues rules festival in Switzerland was one of the best, definitely a great place to hang out with friends and family to listen to great music from all over. Food was delicious and freshly prepared daily big thanks to everyone involved especially Vincent & Thomas!!!
There’s only two festivals my father and myself have played since I’ve been a professional: Hill Country Picnic (together) and Blue Rules (Apart).
Blues Rules is more than just a Festival. It has become a International Tradition now, where you can socialize with other Very Great & Expressive Artist from around the World.
It’s tucked in the beautiful mountains of a beautiful town of Crissier!
As an artist, or a Blues lover or general music lover, I highly recommend anyone and everyone to attend this Tradition.
Finally! Made it to Blues Rules this year and it was fabulous! The people, the beautiful surroundings, and of course, the MUSIC! One thing I wasn’t expecting was seeing so many familiar faces in the crowd that I’ve seen in Mississippi! It felt like we were all home…our Crississippi home! Vincent and Thomas have a gem of a festival going on! Don’t miss it in 2023! I hope I’m asked to return! Much love from Mississippi!
We played a lot of festival, including Bonnaroo and Cognac Blues Passions, and BLUES RULES provides a truly unique experience for artists and fans. Once everybody’s on the festival grounds, we’re all family. From the organizers to the crew and volunteers to every single player on stage there’s a sense of unity, love and commitment for the music and for each other I’ve never experienced anywhere else.
GREAT GREAT FESTIVAL with a wonderful gambit of international roots blues QUALITY!!!
Great Festival! Love the people, music, and food!
Blues rules rules! I want to do it again! Don’t let Kenny get me too drunk! Love,
Perhaps the most pleasant festival I ever played.
All the people involved with the festival are so friendly and helpful, and that goes for both volunteers, promoters, musicians and the audience! Because at Blues Rules it’s almost impossible to draw a line between the people working and the others.
It’s all about enjoying good music, relaxing, drinking and having a good time together.
J’vais vous parler brièvement d’un festival hors du commun. Un festival où artistes, programmateurs, cuistos, chauffeurs, techniciens, responsables, directeurs, bénévoles..etc.. mangent à la même table durant 3 jours. Tous ces gens deviennent vos amis .. et puis une famille. Je suis sur la route et je pense à eux. Si vous rêvez d un festival « Mississippi Hill Country Blues & More » à taille humaine avec du cœur , de la passion et … de l amour…bein il existe ! Blues Rules Festival ! Biz à vous tous ♥.. love forever !
Si les festivals de la terre entière reconsidéraient un peu leur amour de la musique, la proximité, le bonheur, les raisons même de l’existence de concerts. Bref … La qualité au détriment de leurs obligations vis-à-vis du commerce de la musique, des modes, et de la concurrence, on verrait peut-être émerger d’autres Blues Rules, et on verrait couler définitivement le Montreux Festival dans les abysses du lac Léman.
Blues Rules is an AWESOME festival, organised by an amazing team who are deeply passionate about music. It was an honour and a pleasure to play this year, and I feel very lucky to have been a part of the Blues Rules family. Long may the festival continue to thrive.
Well what can I say….. it felt like a big family. The music was great, and so was the audience. It felt like I was playing in my own place in front of friends. The free bottle of Jack helped too! I hope that Vincent & Thomas manage to throw this Festival every year. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to go back and play there again sometime and meet some old friends and make some new ☺

This was the first festival to bring me to Europe. Which opened up a huge part of my touring career where I was treated with respect and compensated for my art. I’m forever grateful for you Vincent Delsupexhe and Thomas Lecuyer for crowning me as the Princess of Blues Rules Festival. Your team made me feel so special and cared for. This was a very rare case in my musical career. Love you all so much.
Molly Gene live album @ Blues Rules Crissier Festival 2016

Blues Rules is like church camp but with more chocolate and booze, and better music!
The Blues Rules Festival was a very special experience for me as an artist. The opportunity to meet and play with so many other musicians in such an intimate setting meant a lot to me. And we were treated so well, it was hard to believe. So much delicious food and luxury accommodations. Such a festival is rare to find these days. Feeling so comfortable made preforming a breeze!
The choice of artist for this festival was uniquely chosen for their originality, style, fashion and mood of vibes flowing. Never was there a dull moment or lack of something to see or learn. The gathering of music lovers filled the grounds with very little room to spare bringing the most electric reaction to each artist as one performance after the other passed. Great.
Well, it was my first festival in Europe ever and man it knocked my socks off! the hospitality was generous and genuine. the staff was always helpful and the other musicians i met were an absolute joy to talk with, hang out with and play music with! thank you blues rules! it was an honor for me to be a little part of your big show. cheers!
My favorite festival ever! My experience goes beyond words, from the wonderful staff to the camaraderie between musicians….. magical, mystical….. life changing!
Blues Rules is a truly special festival — the creation of two visionaries, Vincent and Thomas, who bring a superb mix of famous and soon-to-be-famous blues and roots musicians to a cozy old castle in the Swiss countryside for a long weekend of outdoor festivities. When Sharde Thomas and the Rising Star Fife and Drum band marched down off the stage and out into the audience this past May, everybody felt the vibe! A remarkable event.
i loved the blues rules festival.
all the people there were absolutely wonderful.
a place full of peace, love and fantastic music.
Be were honored and pleased to be part of the first edition of this wonderful “indie-roots” Festival!
We enjoyed the audience, the food and met new friends there in Crissier… hope to be back again one day!
My story is long and complicated, but I will try in a few words to get to the point. I’m an painter and I love blues music. So consequently, I am homeless and I play on harmonica. I am doing this for over 25 years and there’s nothing out of the ordinary.
A very special friend believed in me and gave me the chance to play on the stage of most genuine European meeting place for blues lovers. So, the “Blue Monday Ministers” was born thanks to him. Vincent is the godfather of that acoustic blues project.
It’s hard to put into words all this beautiful and intense experience, so as the one I lived on Blues Rules-2016 . Was amazing how after two days spent together, I knew for sure that we are brothers in blue. We were surrounded by wonderful gestures and friendship of some world class musicians and impeccably professional stage technicians. The organizers team made us feel in a blues heaven.